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17 February 2021

Payne Hicks Beach: The Hot 100 and the hottest firms

Payne Hicks Beach is No 4 in The Lawyer’s “Hot 100” for firms, when adjusted for size.

On collating the 2021 Hot 100, which celebrates the profession’s best and brightest lawyers, The Lawyer turned its focus to which organisations have had the most lawyers featured in the Hot 100 over the 20 years it has been running.

Payne Hicks Beach features as a Hot Firm after The Lawyer’s analysis highlights the firm as one that is punching above its weight. A ‘Hotness Per Lawyer’ score over time was calculated by dividing the current total number of lawyers at each firm by the number of “Hotties” (The Lawyer’s favoured word) that the firm has produced in the last 17 years. This Top 5 law firm listing celebrates the contribution our expert lawyers have made over the years which belies the small size of the firm.

To read the article in full, first published (behind subscription firewall) online in The Lawyer click here