On Friday 29 July, Rebekah Vardy lost the High Court libel battle she brought against Coleen Rooney over a 2019 viral social media post, declaring Vardy was secretly leaking stories to the media about a fellow footballer’s teammates and their wives. Dominic explains, “Libel litigation involves a gruelling and intense focus on the evidence and Ms Vardy’s pursuit of this case now stands as a stark reminder of the perils faced by a dogmatic claimant”
For Dispute Resolution or Privacy and Media Law enquiries, contact Dominic Crossley via email or on 020 7465 4306
- Press and Journal, 30/07/2022, p.20, – ‘Causes irreparable damage to her brand and personal relationships’
- The Courier (Main Edition), 30/07/2022, p.20 – Lawyer says ‘irreparable damage’ caused to brand and personal relationships