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17 June 2022

‘No-fault’ evictions (Section 21 Notices) are to be scrapped under the new Renters Reform Bill, but what does it mean for landlords? 

Disputes expert Scott Goldstein features in multiple news outlets including the MailOnline and ThisIsMoney commenting on the removal of No-fault evictions (Section 21 Notices) due to the introduction of the new Renters Reform Bill. The articles are both linked below with kind permission.

Scotts addresses the confusion that landlords now face as a result of the new Renters Reform Bill. Scott comments that “successive governments have introduced a raft of preconditions that landlords must satisfy before they can serve a Section 21 Notice, whilst a mass of case law have been generated in the courts surrounding these preconditions, making no-fault evictions a maze of red tape, far from easy for landlords to use as an unambiguous route to recover their properties.”

For further information, please contact Scott Goldstein by email or call 020 7465 4326

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Scott Goldstein
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