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20 May 2022

Payne Hicks Beach private wealth expert hosts Intelligence Forums Round Table

Private wealth expert Freddie Bjorn hosted the Intelligence Forums Round Table at Payne Hicks Beach offices on 12th May 2022.

Freddie was joined by a range of interesting speakers including:
•    Thomas Smith of The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
•    Ruth Corkin of Hillier Hopkins LLP
•    Michael Beverland of University of Sussex
•    Adrian Griffiths of Recycling Technologies Ltd

In light of the recent news coverage on domicile and the use of the remittance basis of taxation Freddie asked attendees for their views on the relevance of domicile and on the morality of tax.
Unsurprisingly there were some strong, and opposing, views on the topics which made for a lively debate.

Overall it was a great opportunity to host individuals from a variety of sectors and to take advantage of our wonderful location at No.10.

If you have any questions please contact Freddie Bjorn

About the Author
Frederick Bjørn
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