In response to the proposals from the president of the Family Division, Sir Andrew Macfarlane for sweeping changes to transparency in the family courts after the Transparency Review Emily voiced some of the mixed reviews from the profession “For too long the family court has operated behind a veil of secrecy which causes mistrust and fear.” and added that enhanced transparency “is long overdue and must be embraced.” She also highlighted the importance that “The understandable and entirely proper desire for openness must not be allowed to free fall into a new reality where all parties consider themselves to be journalists” alerting to the danger that this might rewrite “the carefully woven narrative of the judiciary.” before concluding that it will be “incumbent on judges, practitioners, press and those otherwise implementing the rules to ensure that justice is still done, as well as now being seen to be done.”
Emily is an experienced family solicitor, specialising in high net worth financial settlements, particularly those with an international element and has a growing practice in the particular legal complexities faced by the modern family.
For further information, please contact your usual contact in the Family Department or, alternatively, telephone on 020 7465 4300.