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30 April 2021

What the Global Talent visa offers employers seeking top skills – Kathryn Bradbury and Richard Milford for Personnel Today

Article by Partner and Head Kathryn Bradbury and Paralegal Richard Milford of the Citizenship & Immigration department at Payne Hicks Beach, in which they explain why, as lockdown eases and, hopefully, the crisis diminishes elsewhere in the world, businesses should take note of the flexible route of the Global Talent Visa to attracting much-needed skills, first published online in Personnel Today on 30 April 2021 and reproduced with kind permission.

For any further information please contact by email either Partner and Head Kathryn Bradbury or Paralegal Richard Milford of the Citizenship & Immigration department at Payne Hicks Beach or, alternatively, call on 020 7465 4300.

Click below to read Kathryn and Richard’s article in Personnel Today

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About the Author
Kathryn Bradbury
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