International Clients
It is rare for clients to have property and affairs and/or family entirely in the UK. Many clients live abroad, or may have originated in other jurisdictions worldwide, and have come to live in the UK either for business or pleasure. Regardless of their reasons for relocating, their asset classes are invariably diversified internationally and need proper consideration.
Even the most traditional Briton is likely to have family, children or grandchildren strewn across the global village and needs a firm to coordinate the necessary advice this brings with it.
This international dimension of our work has resulted in a depth of expertise which we are able to offer to our clients. Individuals, trustees, company, charities and bodies with complex international investment and business interests want to be sure of obtaining the best legal advice, which combines excellent technical expertise with an up to date understanding of the complexities and evolution of the UK tax system.
We will assess your circumstances thoroughly, and help you determine your residence and domicile status for UK taxation purposes. Working with trusted overseas law firms and tax advisers, we will provide coordinated advice to help you achieve your objectives whilst navigating the vagaries of the UK tax system, across all of the relevant jurisdictions. We can also introduce suitable overseas trustees or fiduciaries.
Examples of matters we advise on are:
- Residence, domicile and estate planning for non-residents or non-domiciliaries (non-doms)
- International tax treaties, in respect of tax residence and liability to taxation of income, capital gains and inheritances
- The UK tax implications of gifting, selling and inheriting assets held in a range of countries
- UK legal and tax issues facing trustees and beneficiaries of overseas trusts and other asset holding structures, such as foundations, establishments and companies
- The implications for investors or entrepreneurs coming to the UK or doing business in the UK
- Tax issues on leaving the UK
Our partners are able to communicate in several languages including French, Italian, Danish, German and Arabic.

Payne Hicks Beach’s private wealth and trusts experts to speak at International Trust and Private Client conferences in Guernsey and Jersey