Family Offices
Domestic, international, single family, multi-family, first generation private office or multi-generation – we recognise that Family Offices come in all shapes and sizes and tailor our services to meet their circumstances.
Our expertise includes:
- advising on the set up and establishment of a family’s FO including advising on the most suitable structure and jurisdiction;
- project managing structuring and working with international advisors and coordinating advice;
- providing legal and tax advice to FOs on an ad hoc or ongoing, long term basis;
- providing comprehensive advice on making, administering and exiting investments, and on sales and purchases of business and property interests for FOs and family members;
- advising on tax and succession planning for individual family members (in conjunction with local advisers if cross border); and
- advising on family governance structures and trust planning to deal with the interaction between different branches of the family.
Our tax and trust administration team can also:
- provide accounting support including management accounts
- deal with UK tax reporting and compliance obligations for individuals, trusts and companies
- advise and report on the Trust Registration Service and the Register of Overseas Entities
- management of bank accounts, making payments and general cash flow planning
For international families we can advise on citizenship and immigration both for family members and domestic staff and employees. Our employment team can assist with employment contracts and advise on any employment issues.
Our Corporate and Property colleagues help with the sales and purchases of business and property interests and other investments.
In the event of any problems, we can advise on dispute resolution and reputation management, and our Family department can put in place pre-nuptial agreements or advise on divorce.

What core challenges do families face when succession planning?