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14 February 2024

Payne Hicks Beach lawyers listed in The Spear’s 500 2024

The Spear’s 500 2024 has been published. The ninth edition sees Payne Hicks Beach lawyers included in this indispensable printed guide to the top private client lawyers, wealth managers, lawyers and service providers for high net worth individuals and families. Lawyers from our specialist practice areas of Art & Cultural PropertyCitizenship & ImmigrationContentious Trusts & ProbateFamilyLanded Estates & AgriculturePrivacy & Media LawPrivate Client, and Property, are recognised as leading individuals in their fields providing first-class advice to clients which makes a tangible difference to their lives.

Although this year’s print edition book is a little smaller than previous editions, Spear’s writes: “The philosophy that underpins it all is the same as ever – to be the definitive resource for HNWs in search of the highest-quality specialist advice and services to support their work, their lives, their families and their ambitions. It is important to note that each one of the advisers included earns their selection on merit. It is not possible to buy one’s way into The Spear’s 500.”

This year’s guide includes our expert lawyers:

Hanna Basha is listed as a “Top Recommended Reputation & Privacy Lawyer” with a focus on “media crisis management”

Simon Beccle is listed as a “Top Recommended Family Lawyer” with a focus on “milestone legal cases”

Frederick Bjørn is listed as a “Recommended Tax Lawyer” with a focus “Scandinavia”

Simon Blackburn is listed as a “Top Recommended Landed Estates Lawyer” with a focus on “UK and overseas buyers”

Kathryn Bradbury is listed as a “Top Recommended Immigration Lawyer” with a focus on “visa and human rights applications”

Robert Brodrick is listed as a “Top Flight Tax Lawyer” with a focus on “International and Middle East UHNWs”

Sam Carver is listed as a “Top Recommended Tax Lawyer” with a focus on “tax planning”

Emma Copestake is listed as a “Top Recommended Property Lawyer” with a focus on “Middle East HNWs”

Dominic Crossley is listed as a “Top Flight Reputation & Privacy Lawyer” with a focus on “dispute resolution”

Basil Dixon is listed as a “Top Recommended Tax Lawyer” with a focus on “India, MENA and the Far East”

Emma Harris is listed as a “Top Recommended Tax Lawyer” with a focus on “complex probate and estate and administration”

Charlotte Henshall is listed as a “Top Recommended Contentious Tax & Trust Lawyer” with a focus on “contentious trusts and probate”

Jessica Henson is listed as a “Top Recommended Contentious Tax & Trust Lawyer” with a focus on “trusts and estate disputes”

Matt Ingham is listed as “Top Recommended Immigration Lawyer” with a focus on “international protection claims”

Richard Manyon is listed as a “Top Recommended Contentious Tax & Trust Lawyer” with a focus on “property and civil disputes”

Rosamond McDowell is listed as a “Top Recommended Tax Lawyer” with a focus “estate planning”

Philip McGuirk is listed as a “Top Recommended Family Lawyer” with a focus on “high-value financial remedy cases”

Fiona Shackleton is listed as a “Top Flight Family Lawyer” with a focus on “very high-profile cases”

Till Vere-Hodge is listed as a “Top Recommended Art Lawyer” with a focus on “restitution claims and looted artwork”

Andrew Willan is listed as a “Recommended Reputation & Privacy Lawyer” with a focus on “media and privacy”